“Critiques of Standardized Testing” 

2016 History Talks Conference

Keynote Address:

Dr. John Barr (Lone Star College)
“Commemorating Lies and Cheating Posterity out of the Truth: Teaching History in an Uncritical Age”


Special Introduction by Roni Dean-Burren

Dr. Samuel Brower (University of Houston)
“The Sordid Politics of Education in Texas”

Prof. John Gillespie (San Jacinto College)
“Southern Textbooks and the Civil War: A Lost Cause?”

Dr. Andrew Pegoda (University of Houston)
“The STAAR Test: Hidden Curriculum and Consequences in the College Classroom”

Dr. James Semones (San Jacinto College)
“Observations from Historical Sociology: Omissions, Distortions, and Fairy Tales in the Teaching of American History”

Organizing Committee:

Andrew Chau, Art Fitz-Gerald, John Gillespie, Crystal Tewes